RSW Panels at ASEEES 2019. Grotesque Commodities: Female Prostitution in Russian and Yiddish Works // Panel description: In fin de siècle culture, the prostitute often embodied the threat of mass-circulating contagion and the dangers of capitalism. The changes affected both peripheral and fundamental aspects of narrative structure - from characterisation to central dramatic conflict. The round table proposes a complex framework that examines ways in which traditional paradigms of image and perception are abolished, reinterpreted or perverted. The paper by Elena Baraban examines the functions of Boris Akunin’s allusions and remakes of the novels by Dostoevsky (most notably, “Crime and Punishment”). The Official Blog of The North American Dostoevsky Society, We invite abstracts of 300 words on topics related to, digital humanities-based research on Dostoevsky and/or, digital or new media approaches to the novel in the classroom, public engagement initiatives (book club readings, online readings, Twitter projects), teaching the novel in different contexts (a survey course, a Dostoevsky course, across disciplines), the challenges and successes of teaching the novel in the context of decreasing enrolments and increasing departmental pressures, We also encourage students to submit abstracts and we plan to feature several panels showcasing undergraduate and graduate student research. I am also interested in literary description of aging as well as transgenerational relations. You cannot save an incomplete proposal online. The panel explores metaphysical, theological, ethical, and aesthetic dimensions of crime and rebellion in Polish culture. The focus is broadly on contemporary Ukraine-Russia relations, the occupied Donbas and/or Crimea. Whether as readers, actors, or social workers, all those exposed to Russian literature are confronted with its deep emotionalism. The Great Eve of Destruction: Evolution, Revolution, and Cataclysm in the 20th-c Russian Avant-Garde, contra Modulatio: Metaphysical Harmony vs Poetic Dissonance in Tyutchev and Mandelstam, poetics, avant-garde, hermeneutics, literary theory, philosophy, Kazimierz the Great University in Bydgoszcz, Yugoslav Military Counterintelligence (KOS) towards Clergymen in Military Service (1952-1966). The Case of Duke Michael Glinski, Memory of a Rebellion, Emotions of Rebels, Feud, Osher Lifelong Learning Institutes, Temple University, Religion as rebellion; religion as a source of anxiety. This roundtable brings together a group of early-career researchers whose work explores gender and sexuality in 19C Russian literature and art. Confirmed participants include Brian Armstrong, Elena Baraban, Alexander Burry, Deborah Martinsen, Louise McReynolds, Robin Feuer Miller, Megan Swift, and William Mills Todd, III. It is used by the scholars that fit into the spectrum that starts from the liberal the human rights theorists and ends by ideologists of Al Qaeda and ISIS. Subjects of Inbetweenness: Representations of Eastern European Subjectivities in 20th Century Fiction and Film.
"Learn How to Relax! The North American Dostoevsky Society: Interdisciplinary Readings, Thu, November 17, 5:00 to 6:45pm, Wardman DC Marriott, Mezzanine, Madison A.
These three papers each take a different methodological approach to this problem. Prompted by the eco-critical turn in the humanities broadly conceived, these panels address issues of nature, industry, ecology and the nonhuman from the nineteenth century to the contemporary period. This is the sixth of six panels, collectively titled “Ecology and Russian Culture,” which seek to foster interdisciplinary conversations about ecology and environment among specialists of Russian literature, history, and culture. If you would like to volunteer to serve as chair and/or discussant, select all that apply: Describe topics of interest to you as chair/discussant, An Emerging Triage State: Grain Procurement and Local Authority in Penza Province, Rural Russia; Revolution; Civil War; Russia Peripheries; Peasants, Russian Anarchism and the Alexander Berkman Trial. Looking for papers which explore socialist internationalism or solidarity as a feature of state-society relations across the bloc. "Dying Decently": Illness and End-of-Life in Turgenev's Fiction, bioethics, illness, medicine, 19th century and 20th century literature, Discussions of National Status and/or Political/Cultural Crises or Decline, Discussions of Russia's Cultural Status as Compared to Western Europe, Politics or Cultural topics from 1800 to the Present, I am looking for people to team up for a panel on labour history, preferably on late tsarist boarderlands. I examine how the March leverages local activist networks and social media to facilitate both annual participation and year-round conversation on its favored causes. "The Great Game and the Iterations of Political Talk Shows on Russian State Television." The theme of this roundtable fits well with the main theme of the 2016 Convention, “Global Conversations.”, The Power of (Mis)Reading: Literature and Journalism in the Second Half of the 19th Century, Thu, November 17, 3:00 to 4:45pm, Wardman DC Marriott, Lobby Level, Park Tower Room 8205. My paper will examine the history of collectives in Soviet education and the structures of mutual responsibility and dependency that held them together. Former Yugoslavia, Carleton University, Institute of European, Russian and Eurasian Studies. Witkiewicz’s The Crazy Locomotive. The other potential panelist's paper is about people who either moved or returned to Russia because they were disillusioned with the West and believed that Russia was a better fit for their "traditional" values. In the age of the “spoiler alert” our reading experience seems to have changed beyond all recognition, yet in some ways the possibilities of new reading communities opened up by social media allow us to replicate the kinds of institutional communities which arose around nineteenth-century Russian periodicals. In the paper entitled “An Instructional Manual for the Nation: Boris Akunin’s History of the Russian State,” Stephen Norris examines Akunin’s recent popular history books. To help spread the word, we’ve compiled two lists: one of panels that focus primarily on Dostoevsky, the other of panels that include papers treating Dostoevsky’s thought and works. Sat, November 19, 1:45 to 3:30pm, Wardman DC Marriott, Mezzanine, Jackson. Case of Canada and Turkey, Post-Soviet migration and diaspora, Ukrainian migration, collective memories and traumas.