Canada tracks and reports on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. 200 Sacré-Coeur Boul These reports also enable the department to track emission credit balances and transfers. These standards are intended to cap vehicle N2O and CH4 emissions at levels that are attainable by existing technologies and ensure that levels do not increase with future vehicles. The Notice with respect to reporting of greenhouse gases (GHGs) for 2019Footnote 5 was published in the Canada Gazette on February 1, 2020.
The penetration rate depends on the model year in question and whether the vehicles employ “mild” or “strong” hybrid electric technology. These sectors were mining, ethanol production, electricity and heat generation, ammonia production, nitric acid production, hydrogen production, petroleum refineries, pulp and paper production, and base metal production. Oil sands extraction experienced an 11-Mt increase in emissions, consistent with observed increases in synthetic crude oil production (11%) and in non-upgraded bitumen production (47%) during this period.Footnote 12 Saskatchewan facilities also contributed to the increase, mainly due to the increased emissions reported from potash mines and oil and gas extraction sectors. 1 Mt = 1 million tonnes or 1 000 kilotonnes (kt). yearly data since 2004), visit the ECCC Website Facility-reported greenhouse gas data. Companies that generate emission credits may transfer those credits to other companies. Figure 8 is a pie chart showing the breakdown of 2018 GHG emissions reported by subsectors of the Manufacturing sector. Table 20 summarizes transactions by company and the model year in which the credits were generated. The regulations have been instrumental in influencing companies to make progressive improvements to the efficiency of their new light duty vehicles available in Canada beginning with the 2011 model year. Information for and about facilities reporting greenhouse gas emissions. Allowances for the use of innovative technologies (G), 2.3.4. A CDS can reduce CO2e emissions by improving the overall fuel consumption of the vehicle by 4 to 10%Footnote 15 . As shown, the distribution of facilities is uneven across the country, reflecting the concentration of large industrial facilities in certain provinces relative to others. Internal heat exchanger (for example, a device that transfers heat from the high-pressure, liquid-phase refrigerant entering the evaporator to the low-pressure, gas-phase refrigerant exiting the evaporator). Results from regulatory reports indicate that companies continue to be in compliance through to the 2018 model year. b. Many facilities used more than one calculation method to determine their emissions. For the purposes of this report, the term “tailpipe emissions” refers to the CREE without factoring in FFV benefits. Over the past several decades, the most common mechanism for preparing the air-fuel mixture has been “port fuel injection”. a Beginning with the 2012 model year, low volume manufacturers (LVM) may elect to exempt themselves from CO2e standards. As well, the total quantity transferred in or out from a company for a given model year may be the result of multiple transactions. The results presented herein are based on data submitted by companies in their annual regulatory compliance reports, pursuant to the Passenger Automobile and Light Truck Greenhouse Gas Emission Regulations, which have undergone a thorough review by Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC). CO2 represented the majority (93%) of the total reported emissions in 2018, while methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions contributed 5% and 1%, respectively (Figure 4). It is becoming increasingly common for vehicles to be equipped with transmissions that have 6 or more gears to keep the engine running at its most efficient operating point and thereby reduce CO2e emissions. Facility greenhouse gas reporting: overview of 2018 reported emissions It is a comprehensive system that encompasses all economic activities using six-digit codes. Typically CVT’s can improve fuel efficiency by as much as 4%. Environment Canada. When completing a report for the GHGRP, a reporter is required to identify the main activities occurring at its facility using the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS).Footnote 10 In 2018, three NAICS defined industry sectors accounted for the majority of GHG emissions: the Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction sector, representing 38% (113 Mt) of total reported emissions; the Manufacturing sector, accounting for 30% (89 Mt); and the Utilities sector, primarily facilities generating electricity from fossil fuels, accounting for 25% (74 Mt) (Figure 6). A proper air-fuel mixture is critical to the performance of any conventional internal combustion engine and has direct impacts on the resulting emissions. Emission credits generated for performance superior to the standard have a lifespan which is determined based on the model year in which they were generated, whereas deficits generated for performance worse than the standard must be offset within three years from the model year in which the deficit was incurred. You will not receive a reply. The 2018 GHGRP Gazette notice describes the complete reporting requirements for 2018 data. Since the regulations came into force, companies have generated approximately 83.1 million emission credits (including early action credits and TOF credits), of which approximately 26 million credits remain for future use. This approach allows companies to choose the most cost-effective technologies to achieve compliance and reduce emissions, rather than requiring a particular technology. Figure A-3: 2017 passenger automobile compliance status with offsets Table 17: PA Compliance and Standard values over the 2014 to 2018 model years (g/mi) Note that under the regulations, a company’s CREE value is calculated to include the benefits from FFVs. Standards for nitrous oxide and methane, 2.6. Canada’s official greenhouse gas … The asterisked companies are those that used the temporary optional fleet provisions. The GHGRP is similar to, yet distinct from, the NPRI. Additionally, companies using this method can comply with standards of N2O and CH4 separately by setting alternative standards for either emission as needed. Table 4 Note f Not a NAICS sector but a grouping of various NAICS codes reported by facilities engaged in other types of manufacturing such as Electrical Equipment, Transportation Equipment, Furniture Manufacturing and others. This has resulted in an overall net improvement of 19.2% and 15.5% relative to the 2011 model year for passenger automobiles and light trucks respectively. The purpose of this report is to provide company specific results of the fleet average greenhouse gas emission performance of the Canadian fleets of passenger automobiles (PA) and of light trucks (LT)Footnote 3 . The regulation defines an intermediate sized company as one with a 2009 model year total production volume of 60 000 or fewer vehicles. Table 4 Note b The reporting threshold changed in 2009 from 100 kt to 50 kt and in 2017 from 50 kt to 10 kt. Table 4 Note c Totals may not add up due to rounding. The second method allows companies to quantify the emissions of N2O and CH4 as an equivalent amount of CO2 and include this in the determination of their overall CREE. The fuel economy target values that apply to vehicles of the 2011 model year are calculated using the following formula: T = 1/((1/a)+(1/b)-(1/a))((e(x-c)/d)/(1+e(x-c)/d))), Where: x is the footprint for the vehicle in question, a = 31.20, b = 24.00, c = 51.41, d = 1.91 for PA’s Table 6 shows the fleet average allowance values in g/mi for the 2015 to 2018 model years.
The orange line on the top of the bar indicates a company’s fleet average tailpipe emissions. The map excludes pipeline transportation systems. In October 2010, the Government of Canada published the Passenger Automobile and Light Truck Greenhouse Gas Emission RegulationsFootnote 4 (regulations) under CEPA. Facilities in the 0-10 kt range voluntarily reported their emissions. Table A-4: volume of vehicles sold with VVT Such reactions occur, for example, in the processes of mineral production (e.g., lime, cement), metal production (e.g., iron, steel, aluminium) and chemical production (e.g., nitric acid and ammonia production). This year, for the first time, we include air pollutant projections. A small volume company must submit an annual report to obtain credits. These facilities belong to a number of sectors, such as oil and gas extraction (563 facilities), food manufacturing (54 facilities), and waste treatment and disposal (61 facilities). D is the fleet average carbon-related exhaust emission value for each fleet (section 2.2); Table 8: FFV production volumes for the 2014 to 2018 model years (Table 5) Fuel switching (e.g., from coal to natural gas or other lower carbon fuel) and increased reliance on hydro, nuclear and renewable sources of generation are also contributors to the decrease in utility emissions.Footnote 14. Table A-5: volume of vehicles sold with VVL For enquiries, contact us. GHGs are not equal in their effect on the atmosphere. The regulations exclude “used vehicles” imported into Canada, new vehicles exported from Canada, emergency vehicles, and vehicles imported on a temporary basis for the purposes of exhibition, demonstration, evaluation and testing. Other sectors include various types of facilities such as natural gas transportation pipelines, solid waste landfills and universities.