One field study involving household surveys, in-depth interviews, focus group discussions and field observations explored a farmer-managed agroforestry project in the Nyando District in western Kenya.
In the production of commercially viable timber from the forest, certain management techniques and practices are best adhered to in order to maximise the income from the timber. There is every reason why forest owners, with some professional advice, should become directly involved in timber management and harvesting of their farm forest and derive additional practical and economic benefits. Very often women who must travel so far for basic resources are at risk of assault during their journeys and have less time to devote to other activities. Well-intentioned tree planting programs often exacerbate this divide. Traditionally, fencing posts are a more lucrative market than selling thinnings to the pulpwood market. As well as significant potential savings on heating bills, there may be the opportunity to generate additional revenue from the sale of surplus electricity. Landscapes with trees and forests are seen as intrinsic features in this lifestyle. Fortunately, agroforestry has created an opportunity to cut back on the amount of carbon that agriculture releases, by instead increasing levels of soil organic carbon. In this region, some women would walk over 20 kilmometers to purchase fuel from neighboring districts. The wealth of a community can often be determined by its amount of tree canopy. Economic Benefits of the Forest Industry in Georgia: 2018 Page 3 Executive Summary Georgia’s forest industry has many components, which interact with all other sectors of the economy in complex ways. The basic facts are well presented and compelling; other more recent research may be available elsewhere. Climate and Economic Benefits of Agroforestry Systems. In Ireland, there has been a long history of game hunting, enjoyed by many. For example, where the farm forest is being successfully managed so that timber production and pheasant management co-exist, the farm may increase its capital value by as much as 25%, compared with similar areas devoted entirely to agriculture. Furthermore, forest management aimed at improving the shooting value will generally benefit conservation. Forestry on the other hand in not labour intensive and can free up more time for work on or off the farm, and for the family. In many regions, the forest industry is of major ecological, economic, and social importance, with the United States producing more timber than any other country in the world.
This shelter effect can be further optimised by linking the forests with existing hedgerows or scrubland areas. Extensive literature survey of research on the environmental, social and economic benefits of urban forestry. Extensive literature survey of research on the environmental, social and economic benefits of urban forestry. Forestry in many cases can compete and often surpass agriculture in terms of increasing your income. The climate mitigation potential of agroforestry can be seen in agricultural systems around the world. Traditionally, timber prices are stable and revenue from timber sales is treated favourably under current tax legislation. It is well understood that climate change affects disadvantaged populations most, so smallholder farmers around the world could benefit greatly by adopting agroforestry practices. Trees provide numerous environmental, social and economic benefits for people. Exposure to nature has shown various impacts on students, from improved academic performance and focus to reduced ADHD symptoms. Overall, there are on average almost 3.5 workers per 1,000 hectares, though this number varies throughout Europe, depending on different factors, such as the …
Not only does agroforestry play an important role in terms of increasing the amount of carbon stored in soil—it also increases the concentration of various nutrients or enhances nutrient cycling, improving overall soil quality. While there is no single agroforestry practice that suits every climate or region, if implemented effectively, it undoubtedly offers a wide-range of important benefits. Where deforestation occurs or where monocropping and intensified agriculture expands, soil quality and nutrient concentrations are often at risk. Another important element of agroforestry’s social and economic impact is improved conditions for women and children. You can apply lessons from the Baltimore experience in your own community. The trees are normally harvested every couple of years, dried and fed into boilers, ideally as part of a central heating plant. Due to the costs involved, it may even be more beneficial at the local level where job creation and utilisation of local resources benefit the local community. As a farm forest grows, it will help provide important and increasing shelter for adjoining fields (as well as farm buildings and houses). For example, in smaller populations, agroforestry should not be introduced unless it is done so in a way that is compatible with local traditions and practices. 1,000 hectares = The forest sector offers great potential to provide new job opportunities and income for rural households: this might help to counter the loss and aging of the population in rural areas. More studies should be done to show the numerous benefits in large agricultural systems, and policies should be put in place to better encourage the adoption of agroforestry. The message is clear. Also, ‘Tourist Shooting’ whereby tourists or individuals can shoot on a commercial basis, once registered, can also utilise the land. In many instances, landowners can lease rights to local gun clubs or syndicates to hunt on their land. By observing the Forest Service (DAFM) environmental guidelines for biodiversity, water quality, archaeology and landscapes, together with a little foresight it should be quite feasible to accommodate reasonable access and recreational requirements. It may be fire, hurricanes, flooding, wind and ice storms or epidemics of tree-killing pests and disease. This can be particularly significant in tropical regions like Amazonia where soil is poor in nutrients and population pressure drives more intensive and expanded land use. Of course, continuing to study agroforestry in different regions and with different crops help us better understand the nuances of such systems. Economic Benefits of the Forest Industry in Virginia. In order for nutrients to be released again, decomposition of organic matter – like fallen leaves, branches, or trees – is vital to reintroduce important particles like potassium, calcium, and magnesium in the soil and to allow other plants to absorb these nutrients. At this stage, access to and within the forest should be given a top priority. The forest resource of the Commonwealth: Contributes $17 billion annually to Virginia's economy. Agriculture, forestry and fisheries products, stable natural hydrological cycles, fertile soils, a balanced climate and numerous other vital ecosystem services depend upon the conservation of biological diversity. In the current climate of increasing global populations and the increased use and diversity of wood products, the demand for quality conifers and broadleaves from sustainably managed forests continues to increase. For all treatments except WP, particulate organic carbon, light fraction carbon, and water extractable carbon increased over the course of the study. Economic Benefits of Open Space Preservation (PDF, 677 KB) Trees Pay Us Back Brochure (280 kb pdf) Links Leaving DEC's Website; US Forest Service Urban Forestry Resources; iTree tools and information; PDF Help; For help with PDFs on this page, please call 518-402-9428. Improved soil quality and climate mitigation potential are just some of the many important agroforestry benefits. In this way, agroforestry can not only improve food security from healthier soils but it can also introduce resources that can be used by households or sold for additional income. In tropical areas, high temperatures and rainfall accelerate soil processes, meaning not only do nutrients cycle through more quickly, but they are also lost more quickly. It has been found that in many Amazonian regions, often in areas with indigenous populations and their descendants, some of the most fertile soils have been linked to agricultural systems diversified with tree management. Third-party certification systems that provide …
Biodiversity Underpins Economic Activity. Most can be handled through proper planting and regular maintenance. By including a simple but planned network of unplanted tracks, access to features of aesthetic or natural importance, such as lakes, waterfalls etc., or archaeological significance are maintained.