The Sing ‘n Speak Spanish® curriculum is extensive, with a full Scope & Sequence for K – 8th grades assuming once a week instruction throughout the school year. Sing ‘n Speak Spanish® is typically offered once or twice a week as an enrichment course. Information in a Scope and Sequence document mirrors selected information in the corresponding Planning Guide used by teachers for a particular course/grade-level. A SCOPE & SEQUENCE OF EARLY READING ONGOING SKILLS FOR SUCCESS The Estrellita curriculum incorporates accelerated early reading strategies, using a sequential and systemic instructional plan. Lesson plans include lesson overview pages, lesson procedure pages, and art project procedure pages. The Level I Storybook Set includes an authentic children’s Spanish storybook for each lesson in Level I. The Year 1C course is taught with a separate but parallel Year 1 (6-8) curriculum with higher level activities, additional grammar, approximately 25% more vocabulary, and a higher level workbook appropriate for older students. Use their devices to supplement the Sonrisas Spanish lessons. Each Scope and Sequence document is designed for a specific school year and reflects the number of available instructional days for that year and grading period. Señor Brooks, in these fun and engaging video lessons. Let Sonrisas take care of your distance learning needs! The Sing ‘n Speak Spanish® curriculum is versatile. Calendar Time lesson plan, Calendar Time scope and sequence, and Calendar Time scope and sequence template for easy planning. I can present information on both very familiar and everyday topics using a variety of practiced or memorized words, phrases, and simple sentences through spoken, written, or signed language. Thank you for your interest in the Poudre School District World Language Program. A comprehensive introduction provides an in-depth look at the methodology and implementation of the curriculum and a step-by-step guide for using the lesson plans. First Grade As unique individuals, we can describe the choices we make that may impact our well-being. Children acquire Spanish in a fun, age-appropriate, and natural way as they sing songs with their teacher. Learn about our Spanish Elementary Curriculum… Julia Burnier, Director … as fun to teach with as it is to learn from, proven academically, and shown to parents to have results they can see and hear right away. Second graders can begin with either Year 1A or Year 1B. As an example, the chart highlights the sequence for a child starting Spanish as a Kindergartener all the way through 8th grade. ), (compare and contrast language structure and culture to first language). NOVICE PROFICIENCY BENCHMARK-COMMUNICATION. Colorful, engaging, and useful for each Calendar Time lesson. 60 Art Projects engage young student in hands-on activities while reinforcing the language concepts for each lesson. The lesson plans suggest ways to lower or elevate the level of instruction to match the students’ abilities. Follow the chart diagonally from top to bottom to see how a child progresses from year to year. Sing ‘n Speak Spanish® is a highly interactive Spanish program for children. The storybooks are an integral part of each lesson. Students begin to learn to read and write Spanish independently. Detailed explanation of how to establish your Calendar Time routine with over 70 activities. Anchored in evidence-based research, the California Common Core Standards, and encompassing other high standards, Sonrisas Spanish has partnered with Rockalingua to offer a wonderful online resource that can support your students’ language learning. Gives teachers the capability to build an interactive environment with students who are using laptops or personal devices. Reproducibles for all the activities and art projects in the lessons save you time planning. The study of a world language is no longer just a class; it is a life skill! 2018-2019. As we become more independent, our daily lives require us to make choices and demonstrate responsibility. Second Grade As unique individuals, we can describe the choices we make that may impact our well … Students study a foreign language for a variety of reasons: required career skill, college requirements or just for personal satisfaction. The scope and sequence articulates the Communication Objective, Language Outcomes, and vocabulary covered in each lesson. Listen to and view authentic music videos. Students will love learning Spanish with Sonrisas founder, Brooks Lindner a.k.a. Formative and summative assessments allow teachers to monitor student learning in order to guide instruction and evaluate student learning using specific metrics. Bennett Spanish Program. Fifth Grade S. PEAKING • • Practice and give the meaning of a basic Spanish vocabulary – Words – Phrases Recognize the meaning of Spanish vocabulary terms relating to everyday life … You can teach the class at a fast pace, pick and choose from the activities, and complete the course in as many lessons. The Sing ‘n Speak Spanish® curriculum is extensive, with a full Scope & Sequence for K – 8th grades assuming once a week instruction throughout the school year. Scope & Sequence. Since 1998, I have dedicated myself to the development of this very organized, ready-to-use Spanish … Complete K – 8 Spanish Elementary Curriculum, Sing 'n Speak Spanish | Spanish classes in San Diego, CA. Students sing songs, listen to Spanish storybooks, do art projects, and practice lesson concepts with online activities. Each course introduces 300 – 500 words/phrases depending on the level of Spanish. 47 fun, easy-to-learn Spanish songs are used to introduce and develop the language concepts for each lesson. The Resource CD also contains a digital version of the Student Portfolio for easy printing. I can communicate in spontaneous spoken, written, or signed conversations on both very familiar and every-day topics, using a variety of practiced or memorized words, phrases, simple sentences and questions. Level I provides you with everything you need to start a successful Spanish program for students in grades pre-k – 5th. Students can participate in reading and writing Spanish. The Scope & Sequence chart below assumes once a week instruction and would change if the curricula were taught more frequently. This is a $159 value that will allow your students to: After you purchase, you will receive a unique code to activate your Rockalingua subscription as well as a guide for which videos correspond to the Sonrisas Spanish lessons. 30 detailed alphabet activities that teach students the sounds and spelling of the Spanish alphabet. Notice that Year 1 Spanish is labeled as Year 1A, 1B, and 1C. 35 Lessons provide enough material for up to 105 class sessions. 21 in-depth geography activities which are focused on the Spanish-speaking countries of the world. Teachers photocopy and send the reports home to parents. Create a teacher account and invite students to watch video lessons and do online activities. Five weather posters with common weather phrases. Click here for a printable pdf of the curriculum summary Go to Scope & Sequence to visualize how this Spanish elementary curriculum can be implemented into your K-8 or K-5 school. El tren de los días de la semana posters—one poster for each day of the week. It takes about a 1,000 to 3,000 word vocabulary to become minimally conversational in a foreign language. If you would like to purchase individual copies of the Student Portfolio, click here to see bulk pricing. All Rights Reserved. (other subject matters, math, science, geography, etc. 30 detailed alphabet activities that teach students the sounds and spelling of the Spanish alphabet. Lyrics and TPR directions for all the songs on the music CDs are included. This sets them up for success when they take more rigorous courses in junior high and high school or when they have a chance for full immersion. In Art Time students complete an art project which gives them a hands-on, practical application of language concepts. By the time students complete Year 5 Spanish, they understand a great deal and can have simple conversations. Knowledge of more than one language prepares us to communicate our needs in unfamiliar situations. Kindergarten Knowing more than one language connects people and makes it possible to discover similarities and differences. Both CDs come complete with the lyrics for every song. This is a very flexible curriculum. You do not have to purchase the Level I Storybook Set with Level I, but then you will want to find the storybooks for each lesson on your own. It gives students a foundation of vocabulary, grammar structures, and pronunciation. Sonrisas Level I is an elementary Spanish curriculum for students who are at a beginner level. As an example, the chart highlights the sequence for a child starting Spanish … During Art Time the teacher engages students one-on-one and converses with them in Spanish about what they’re working on—further reinforcing language concepts. 30 alphabet posters with creative and playful text. By adding Year 7 Parts 1 & 2 and starting the students’ Spanish education in 3rd or 4th grade, the chart could easily become a 4th – 12th Scope & Sequence chart. Although the course focuses principally on vocabulary acquisition, basic grammar … FOR PARENTS > Curriculum > Elementary Scope and Sequence and Outcomes *(Please note: This is a work in progress, all art disciplines and translations will be posted as they become available.) 21 in-depth geography activities which are focused on the Spanish-speaking countries of the world. Follow the chart diagonally from top to bottom to see how a child progresses from year to year. Language concepts are introduced in Circle Time—all in Spanish—through songs, games, and lesson activities. The Scope & Sequence chart below illustrates how to incorporate this Spanish program into your school. Communicating with each other helps us to develop identity and learn language. First Grade Communicating with each other helps us to develop identity and learn language. The content for each week is based on an immersive Diglot Weave™ story which runs throughout the course with weekly episodes beginning in English and each day weaving in more Spanish.