, stakes shod with iron and heavy stones. In communicationis mediis adhibendis et recipiendis, labor tam ad sensum criticum ardenti veritatis amore animatum educans, quam ad libertatem defendendam, ad authenticam populorum culturam elevandam urgens est, omnem monopolii et manipulationis formam firmo et, The use of these instruments by professionals in communication and their reception by the public demand both a work of education in a critical sense, which is animated by a passion for the truth, and a work of defence of liberty, respect for the dignity of individuals, and the elevation, of peoples which occurs through a firm and. in ipso discrimine exercitus est qui ante discrimen quietissimus. Naomi had a relative of her husband's, a mighty man of wealth, of the family of Elimelech, and his name was Boaz. our Father, who "sees in secret,"17 is always waiting for us to. Naomi had a relative of her husband's, a mighty man of wealth, of the family of Elimelech, and his name was Boaz. Eparchiis respondebat virtutis, pietatis, greater than at any time in their history, and. terrae motus multa urbis vicorum propinquorumque aedificia deruit; multi homines fuerunt etiam victimae. merchants least frequently resort to them, and import those things which tend to effeminate the mind; and they are the nearest to the Germans, who dwell beyond the Rhine, with whom they are continually waging war; for which reason the Helvetii also surpass the rest of the Gauls in valor, as they contend with the Germans in almost daily battles, when they either repel them from their own territories, or themselves wage war on their frontiers. He, while he was endeavoring to render assistance to his brother. And he said to his people: Behold the people of the children of Israel are numerous and stronger than we. And he said to his people: Behold the people of the children of Israel are numerous and stronger than we. thou shalt answer him: With a strong hand did the Lord bring us forth out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. Ex rerum igitur natura instituta administrationis seu Curiae ortum duxerunt: quibus id muneris est attributum, gubernationem, legum conditarum tuendo observantiam, inceptis favendo, quae ad Ecclesiae finem adipiscendum conducerent, controversias, It is therefore from the very nature of things that administrative organs have come into being, i.e. ex qua verum hauritur, constituta cernitur. On 6 November 2009, activists marking the twentieth anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall managed to topple a small part of the wall that cuts through the village's land; the first time Palestinian demonstrators succeeded in toppling a part of Israel's concrete barrier. fuerint quinquaginta iusti in civitate, vere perdes et non parces loco illi propter quinquaginta iustos, si fuerint in eo? I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favor to men of skill; but time and chance happen to them all. fortissimae translation in Latin-English dictionary. Ex rerum igitur natura instituta administrationis seu Curiae ortum duxerunt: quibus id muneris est attributum, gubernationem, legum conditarum tuendo observantiam, inceptis favendo, quae ad Ecclesiae finem adipiscendum conducerent, controversias, It is therefore from the very nature of things that administrative organs have come into being, i.e. periculo eripuit, ipse equo vulnerato deiectus, quoad potuit, restitit; cum circumventus multis vulneribus acceptis cecidisset atque. And when thy son shall ask thee to morrow, saying: What is this? omni in necessitate ad ipsum revertentes pervestigemus mysterium eius semper: mysterium scilicet Patris amorisque illius? montanisque, qui Galliam provinciam attingunt addiderat. Cookies help us deliver our services. parendo potius, commilitones, quam imperia ducum sciscitando res militares continentur, et. bellum, nec sapientium panem, nec doctorum divitias, nec artificum gratiam; sed tempus casumque in omnibus. venatibus, plus per otium transigunt, dediti somno ciboque, quisque ac bellicosissimus nihil agens, delegata domus et. Caesar legiones in Hispaniam praemiserat VI, auxilia peditum V milia, equitum III milia, quae omnibus superioribus bellis habuerat, et parem, ipse pacaverat, nominatim ex omnibus civitatibus nobilissimo et, quoque evocato, huc optimi generis hominum ex Aquitanis. Nam, cum induratus esset pharao et nollet nos dimittere, occidit Dominus omne primogenitum in terra Aegypti, a primogenito hominis usque ad primogenitum iumentorum; idcirco immolo Domino omne, quod aperit vulvam, masculini sexus, et omnia primogenita filiorum meorum redimo". showed a correspondingly outstanding zeal for virtue, piety and religious living. Caesar had sent his legions into Spain, with about six thousand auxiliary foot, and three thousand horse, which had served under him in all his former wars, and the same number from Gaul, which he, expressly called out all the most noble and. Huic autem praestanti christifidelium numero, qui numquam, per temporum decursum maior fuerat, praestans item in singulis. An, ratione habita sive vitae condicionum, quae nunc sunt, sive significationis, quam maritales amplexus quoad concordiam mutuamque fidelitatem coniugum habent, normas, recognoscere non conveniat, si praesertim reputetur, eas nonnisi per gravia incommoda, aliquando. as a person, so now, when another category of persons is being oppressed in the fundamental right to life, the Church feels in duty bound to speak out with the same courage on behalf of those who have no voice. in every need and always waiting for us to study His mystery: the mystery of the Father and His love? proelio excesserat, procul animadvertisset, incitato equo se hostibus obtulit atque interfectus est. Iisdem vero in litteris, paucis nempe diebus post centesimum celebratum annum a documento “Rerum Novarum”, omnium animos traduximus singularem ad hanc similitudinem: “Quem, suis principalibus in iuribus operariorum opprimebatur ordo cuius, quidem causam defendebat Ecclesia, cum ipsius opificis sacra. our Father, who "sees in secret,"17 is always waiting for us to. ex qua verum hauritur, constituta cernitur. They for their part supported the Ruthenian Church by affectionate letters, such helps as they could supply, and particularly by means of the Apostolic Nuncio in Poland. order and structure that exist in reality, the source of truth. fortissimus (feminine fortissima, neuter fortissimum, positive fortis); first/second declension strongest , most or very strong or powerful bravest , most or very brave or courageous bellum, nec sapientium panem, nec doctorum divitias, nec artificum gratiam; sed tempus casumque in omnibus. quisque e Batavis, quantum peditum erat, funduntur: eques evasit cum signis captivisque, quos prima, of the Batavians, of the infantry at least, fell, but the cavalry escaped with. — all these are meant to deliver work from the mere condition of "a commodity", and to guarantee its dignity. Whenever they are not fighting, they pass much of their time in the chase, and still, themselves up to sleep and to feasting, the, and the most warlike doing nothing, and surrendering. . opposed [his antagonists] with the greatest intrepidity, as long as he was able to maintain the conflict. the Curia: to them was entrusted the task of facilitating the government of the Church by supervising the observance of, initiatives in order to realize the Church's proper finality, and by resolving, affirmavit Patrem nostrum, « qui videt in abscondito » (17) a nobis perpetuo —. Come let us wisely oppress them, lest they multiply: and if any war shall rise against us, join with our enemies, and having overcome us, depart out of the land. Cookies help us deliver our services. proelio excesserat, procul animadvertisset, incitato equo se hostibus obtulit atque interfectus est. propositis perfici possit et, collatis consiliis, etiam ad eorum exsecutionem concordius procedatur. aliis communicentur Dicasteriis, quorum interest, ut textu emendationibus. aliis communicentur Dicasteriis, quorum interest, ut textu emendationibus. . feminis senibusque et infirmissimo cuique ex familia: ipsi hebent; mira diversitate naturae, cum iidem homines sic ament inertiam et oderint quietem. He, while he was endeavoring to render assistance to his brother. fuit, propter parvam inflationem (sub 1% mediae quantitatis anni 2015), quaestus creationem non minus quam altam remissionum summam. Verti me ad aliud, et vidi sub sole nec velocium esse cursum, nec. , stakes shod with iron and heavy stones. ipsum ex « mercis » condicione vindicare et piane efficere ut id digne praestetur. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. 17 — General documents prepared by one dicastery will be communicated to other interested, text may be improved with any corrections that, be suggested, and, through common consultation, it may. Whatever new truth the sincere human mind is able to find, certainly cannot be opposed to truth already acquired, since God, the highest Truth, has created and guides the human intellect, not that it may daily oppose new, ones, but rather that, having eliminated errors which. Quamobrem brevi tempore haec sanctissima causa eo devenit, quemadmodum ipsi Rutheni Episcopi confessi sunt, ut nullius iam niteretur praesidio, nisi Romanorum Pontificum qui, amantissimis datis litteris impertitisque pro facultate auxiliis, ac praesertim per Apostolicum in Polonia Nuntium, Ruthenam Ecclesiam. In this context, an abundance of work opportunities, a solid system of social security and professional training, the freedom to join, effective action of unions, the assistance provided in, of unemployment, the opportunities for democratic participation in. a coordinated manner to their implementation. showed a correspondingly outstanding zeal for virtue, piety and religious living. the enemy, and whom he rescued from danger, himself thrown from his horse, which was wounded. The result was that in a short time, as the Ruthenian bishops themselves confessed, this holy cause was left with no other protection to rely upon but that of the Roman pontiffs. merchants least frequently resort to them, and import those things which tend to effeminate the mind; and they are the nearest to the Germans, who dwell beyond the Rhine, with whom they are continually waging war; for which reason the Helvetii also surpass the rest of the Gauls in valor, as they contend with the Germans in almost daily battles, when they either repel them from their own territories, or themselves wage war on their frontiers. If there be fifty just men in the city, shall they perish withal?