hfbk hamburg application

Omnipresent digital forms mingle with artifacts from the past, forming a constantly branching network – an evanescent visual cloud. For portfolios sent from foreign countries: Please claim »no commercial value« on the customs sticker in order to avoid delay! Die HFBK Online Gallery schafft einen digitalen Ausstellungsraum in Erweiterung zu den bestehenden Ausstellungsmöglichke... rhizome.hfbk.net is the social network of the HFBK. Freie Kunst, freies Studium. It opens a digital forum for exchange and discussion in which students, teachers, guest authors, art critics and the interested public provide a wide range of content and perspectives. In spite of this, we take digital surfaces as something naturally, as a self-evident tool and daily companion — in the absence of any knowledge of their authorship, economies, and algorithms. University of Fine Arts of Hamburg (HFBK) - public higher education institution in Germany. Further information can be found in the current FAQs on the Corona Pandemic. Hochschule für bildende Künste Hamburg In der aktuellen Ausgabe des Lerchenfeld-Magazins werden sie vorgestellt und diskutiert. The following documents are to be submitted: All applicants must also submit the following documents: Please write your tracking number on the outside of your portfolio. Hochschule für bildende Künste Hamburg Subscribe to our newsletter to receive current event announcements by HFBK students and alumni and study related information, such as announcements for scholarships. It is legally represented by President Mart... Futher information on the Deutschlandstipendium here >>>. The Hochschule für bildende Künste (HFBK) is a corporation under public law. The unique scholarship program – called “Scholarships for Doing Nothing” – is offered by the HFBK University of Fine Arts in Hamburg, Germany. Ich mag, dass man kommunizieren kann. The Hochschule für bildende Künste (HFBK) is a corporation under public law. Please write your tracking number on the outside of your portfolio. Departments: Sculpture, Stage Design, Design, Film, Graphic Art/Typography/Photography, Painting/Drawing, Theory and History, The application period for the academic year 2010/2011 ends on March 5, 2010. International applicants are most welcome to send their portfolio to the HFBK Hamburg. To apply, please find more informations here or contact us directly. Personal submission On the 3rd, 4th and 5th of March, 2020, application portfolios can be dropped off personally. Students transferring from other universities apply in the same way as beginning students. If you submit your portfolio by mail, please send it not earlier than on the 3rd February, 2020. The regular amount of time needed to complete this degree is 4 semesters. Begleitend zur Ausstellung „Social Design“ im Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe fand im Oktober an der HFBK Hamburg ein Sympo... Online-Research-Festival organized by Studio Experimental Design together with Kunstgewerbemuseum Berlin. Research and teaching in the design department address shifts and instabilities in the social structure of commodities, ... Seit 2011 bieten Studierende des Studios Experimentelles Design der Hochschule für bildende Künste Hamburg (HFBK) unter ... Research project about "inconsequences" at Musuem für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg 2020/21. Lerchenfeld 2 Phone: +49 (0)40 428989 – 264 Current open calls: bursaries, residences, awards. The university campus is of urban type and is located in the vicinity of Hamburg. Applicants who are assigned a B have the option of taking part in a clearing procedure. Ein zweiteiliges Ausstellungsprojekt von Studierenden der HFBK Hamburg, initiiert und organisiert von Prof. Verena Issel und Fabian Hesse. Proof of proficiency in the German language is not required. 3 people tagged with #hamburg Imke Sommer. The HFBK actively supports international student exchanges. Degrees: Bachelor of Fine Arts, Master of Fine Arts, teacher education programs: Bachelor of Arts/Science, Master of Education, Dr. phil. Hochschule für bildende Künste Hamburg (HFBK), 250th anniversary: symposia, workshops, performances, and Graduate Show, Ten research scholarships for doctoral studies. Symposium report with Diedrich Diederichsen, Walter Grasskamp, Annette Tietenberg, Wolfgang Ullrich, Bettina Uppenkamp, hosted by Werner Büttner at HFBK Hamburg, July 14, 2018. Kaum eine Frage wurde in den letzten Monaten und Jahren... Weißt du, warum ich Kunst mag? Wer darf sprechen? All international applicants are most welcome to send their portfolio to the HFBK Hamburg! Time-based Media. 20 September, 11 am: Award of the Berenberg Film Prize of the HFBK, Aula. The working world of artists has changed a lot in recent years. ... International applicants are most welcome to send their portfolio to the HFBK Hamburg. The last opportunity to pick up your portfolio either personally or to have it picked up by a third party is on: Important: Masks are required for collection. The applicant must pass examinations as a part of the admission process. in art. Ergebnisse der ersten umfangreichen Befragung zu den Arbeits- und Lebensbedingungen von Künstlerinnen und Künstler, die an der HFBK Hamburg studiert haben, liegen vor. The application and selection process is practically the same for foreigners as it is for German applicants. There is no clearing procedure for this specific study programme. In response to this, the HFBK wants to equip its graduat... “The whole of Berlin used to be like this,” murmurs Sung Tieu as she peers into an abandoned building covered with graff... HFBK graduate Chloe Stead, together with the photographer and also HFBK graduate Jens Franke, met former HFBK students to talk about work, life and art. All classrooms, studios and halls in the building are used. This lively dialogue is supported by further University-owned initiatives. Studying art - and what comes next? More than 140 students showed their artistic graduation projects, from painting to sound installation. Raimund Bauer (Stage Design), Wigger Bierma (Typography), Dr. Friedrich von Borries (Design-Theory), Werner Büttner (Painting), Pepe Danquart (Film), Dr. Michael Diers (Art History), Dr. Harald Falckenberg (Honorary Professor) Jeanne Faust (Video), Glen Oliver Löw (Design), Dr. Hanne Loreck (Cultural Studies), Matt Mullican (Sculpture), Ingo Offermanns (Graphic Art), Dr. Michaela Ott (Aesthetic Theories), Anselm Reyle (Painting), Andreas Slominski (Sculpture), Pia Stadtbäumer (Sculpture), Wim Wenders (Film). The rooms for submission will be indicated by signs during this period. To apply, please pursue the following steps during the limited application periods mentioned below. Applications may only be made for the winter semester of an academic year, usually beginning in October. Utz Biesemann, Lara Loeser, Franziska Opel, Alexander Rischer, Jenny Schäfer, Aleen Solari and others, Important dates and information for newcomers here >>>. The master program is open for individuals from various backgrounds. Students interviewed some fellow students and asked them about studying Fine Arts at the HFBK. Die HFBK Online Gallery schafft einen digitalen Ausstellungsraum in Erweiterung zu den bestehenden Ausstellungsmöglichke... rhizome.hfbk.net is the social network of the HFBK. It opens a digital forum for exchange and discussion in which students, teachers, guest authors, art critics and the interested public provide a wide range of content and perspectives.