Its stats are incredibly well-rounded and proportioned quite nicely.
This Girafarig has trouble with physically inclined Pokemon that have more than base 85 Speed, such as Kangaskhan, Swellow, and Hitmonlee. Kangaskhan is pretty much a mini-Tauros and in battle should be treated as such. Kangaskhan is a Pokemon that's kinda out there in no man's land. With access to Fake Out, Kangaskhan can be used to antilead against many offensive teams that utilize a suicide lead. Focus Punch, Sucker Punch, and Return can hit everything in UU for neutral damage. Its Speed is surprisingly nice for a huge Mongolian kangaroo and it can finish off Pokemon with a lower Speed than 278. The only reasons to use Kangaskhan over Tauros are Surf and novelty. Mega Kangaskhan also faces heavy competition from other overall superior Pokemon that benefit from Toxic Spikes such as Dragon Dance Zygarde-C. Mega Kangaskhan fits on few teams, provides little defensive synergy, and is generally outclassed by other offensive Pokemon. Although not a physical attacker, Alakazam with … Tauros is lot faster (with a much better critical hit ratio), is stronger, and can take more special attacks.
Body Slam in conjunction with Seismic Toss can allow Mega Kangaskhan to deal … The only concern is that Kangaskhan needs to be behind a Substitute to guarantee herself a hit with Focus Punch. After a few Curses, even Kangaskhan is an ideal choice for a SubPunch set because she can set up sturdy 101 Substitutes and has good defenses, a passable Attack stat, and the ability Scrappy to hit Ghost-types on the switch.
It is capable of sweeping a team with no trouble at all without a real fear of being phazed. If they switch in as Girafarig uses Calm Mind, they can begin wreaking havoc. Fake Out can also be used repeatedly to wear down setup sweepers and can let Mega Kangaskhan perform as a last-resort check to the likes of Xerneas by switching out and back in after you sacrifice something. But everything it can do, Tauros can do better.