In another recent study, Charles Maier approaches the nationalizing impact of state-building from a slightly different angle by focusing on the construction of borders, a process that began in seventeenth-century Europe and increasingly led to the homogenization of both territory and people.8, In 2013, the sociologist Andreas Wimmer also published an ambitious new view on the rise of nationalism and nation-states based on both quantitative and qualitative methods. According to Brubaker, citizenship ‘is an inherited privilege (or disability), and one that is transmitted, in turn, to one’s descendants’.22 It is obvious that social closure based on citizenship in the modern state system did not cause the vast inequalities between the various countries, but it serves to perpetuate them. 5See for instance John Hutchinson, Chris Wickham, Bo Stråth and Azar Gat, ‘Debate on Azar Gat’s Nations: The Long History and Deep Roots of Political Ethnicity and Nationalism’, Nations and Nationalism, Vol.
2See for instance Anthony D. Smith, The Ethnic Origins of Nations (Oxford 1986). See, for a recent, but not always convincing, defense of the multiple modernity thesis: Atsuko Ichijo, Nationalism and Multiple Modernities: Europe and Beyond (Basingstoke 2013). Toasts, songs and poems were combined with whisky and ‘national’ dishes such as haggis. The Prize Committee reserves the right not to award a prize in any given year. 4Azar Gat, War in Human Societies (Oxford 2008). Other contributions in this volume of SNM are equally interesting. Healy and Dal Lago’s volume shows that many nation-states in Europe resorted to forced assimilation, oppression of minorities and sometimes even to population transfers and ethnic cleansing in order to create the homogeneous nation that the model seemed to require.
Some Fresh Incentives to Overcome Historiographical Nationalism,, The path-breaking works that were published in 1983 – Benedict Anderson’s Imagined Communities, Ernest Gellner’s Nations and Nationalism and Eric Hobsbawm and Terence Ranger’s The Invention of Tradition – still provide the interpretative framework for almost all existing studies. Thus in his chapter on South-East Asia, David Henley thoroughly examines why French Indochina was divided into three independent nation-states, while the Dutch East Indies – which was probably much more diverse – became a single Indonesian nation-state.
Read the very first issue of N&N, published 1995, to see where it all began! According to him, the organizational models and ideas about ‘nation, state, citizenship and popular sovereignty form a kind of package’, and it was this package as a whole that was diffused globally, starting with the French Revolution in 1789.21 This does not mean that we have to adopt an outdated, Eurocentric understanding of the modern state and of nationalism as purely secular and civic. Nation-building in the Provinces: The Interplay between Local, Regional and National Identities... Painting Regional Identities: Nationalism in the Arts, France, Germany and Spain, 1890—1914. New login is not successful because the max limit of logins for this user account has been reached. Submissions must be accompanied by an official letter from the author’s supervisor confirming status and eligibility. 18Stefan Berger with Christoph Conrad, The Past as History: National Identity and Historical Consciousness in Modern Europe (Basingstoke 2015). Sometimes, even comparable political currents or movements receive different labels in each national context.
Please refer to the Guidelines for Contributors As the timeframes of these chapters also do not exactly match, it is difficult to compare the trajectories of each of these empires. Some scholars even justified ethnic cleansing and genocide. Both the article and the annotated bibliography can be found at the SoN website:, Posted in Journals on February 6, 2016| In fact, this is complicated because these regions were part of nation-states and as a consequence the inhabitants were citizens with voting rights. Nonetheless, this is generally not the case. Martin Beckstein Nevertheless, most scholars continue to focus on the local, regional or imperial past of one nation-state, take nation-states as their basic units for comparison or study the movement of persons, ideas or goods over national borders. Nevertheless, the authors – most of whom are connected to Irish universities – clearly show how nation-building policies were experienced as enforced assimilation by many inhabitants of peripheral regions.
Brubaker asserts that in premodern societies language was a private matter that was of no concern to the state, whereas the authorities often imposed religious uniformity. Moreover, new nation-states such as Germany and Italy rapidly began their own colonial project. 19See also Geneviève Warland, ‘Wars of Religion in National History Writing at the Beginning of the Twentieth Century: P. J. Blok, Karl Lamprecht, Ernest Lavisse and Henri Pirenne’, in Stefan Berger and Chris Lorenz, eds, Nationalizing the Past: Historians as Nation Builders in Modern Europe (Basingstoke 2010), 107–28., “Nation Building in Contemporary Germany: The Strange Conversion of Hitler’s ‘Word Made of Stone’”, Published in Nations and Nationalism, Vol. The deadline for the delivery of the articles and book files to be published in the “Studies” section of the seventh issue of “Nazioni e Regioni” (June 2017) is the 31 January, 2017. Uffe Østergård, in turn, shows how the composite Danish state – which in many ways was comparable to the ‘multi-ethnic’ Habsburg Empire – was dismembered, not because of the strength of nationalist agitation, but as a consequence of lost wars (thus implicitly confirming Wimmer’s views). “The Parthenon Marbles as Icons of Nationalism” Another volume, titled The Shadow of Colonialism on Europe’s Modern Past and edited by Róisin Healy and Enrico Dal Lago, approaches the relationship between nation-states, empire and colonialism by focusing not on the core, but on those who were the ‘victims’ of imperial expansion within Europe.28 Most chapters deal with regions such as Ireland, Schleswig, Alsace and the Polish-speaking parts of the German Empire, the Mezzogiorno in post-unification Italy and the Ukrainian-speaking parts of Interwar Poland, while determining to what extent the oppression they suffered can be defined as ‘colonial’. Even eminent historians did not focus on the conflict as a whole, but on those episodes that took place on the territory of one later nation-state, its impact on the history of this specific nation and how it was shaped by and impacted upon the national character that according to these historians was already in place. However, it is not just a question of units of analysis and terminology. Although probably not a single state totally conforms to this ideal type, it constitutes the norm and as such has enormous consequences. Articles must be submitted in English and in the Nations & Nationalism house style (‘Harvard’ system). Thus, it will not be an easy task to overcome the methodological, terminological and normative nationalism that still dominates history writing. Note biografiche sugli autori, The prize will include a sum of £250 and 2 years’ free membership of ASEN, and may lead to publication of the article in, All submissions and correspondence should be made to the Managing Editor of. Berger and Miller thus rightly conclude that most nations emerged within empires, that nation-building generally happened within an imperial context and that nation-building and empire were closely entangled.27. Brubaker thus sees a reversal of a long-term trend, as religion today is more important than language for the ‘political accommodation of cultural difference in Western liberal democracies’.24, Nationalizing Empires, edited by Stefan Berger and Alexei Miller, aims to redefine the relationship between empires and nation-states, while overcoming the strict divide between colonial history and the study of the West.25 Empires and nation-states have traditionally been seen as opposites by historians. “Recognition or Imposition?