In this talk we give a select overview of previous work on invariant synthesis, focussing on a simple class of programs with affine updates. SWS: 2/2/0: Modules: D-WW-INF-3411, D-WW-INF-3412, D-WW-INF-3413, INF-04-FG-SWT, INF-B-510, INF-B-520, INF-B-530, INF-B-540, INF …
This talk introduces Farkas certificates for threshold problems on reachability constraints in Markov decision processes (MDP). Which arguments are responsible for undecisiveness in argumentation semantics?
About TU Dresden . In one sentence: what is an existentially closed Heyting algebra and what does it have to do with automata? 1 This has been made possible by Antoine Mottet. Sprache; Suche; Intern; Professur für Rechnerarchitektur.
Founded in the early 2000s by Denecker, Marek and Truszczynski, approximation fixpoint theory (AFT) is an abstract, algebraic theory to characterize semantics of non-monotonic logics. In this talk, I will discuss the basics and challenges of OCR post-correction using WFST in the context of the joint coordinated research effort OCR-D, which is aimed at developing OCR methods for printed historic material in preparation of automated mass-digitisation of all German-speaking prints from the 16th to 19th century. Working over ∞-dimensional, separable Hilbert spaces, The Abstract State Machines Method for High Level System Design and Analysis. TU Dresden Institut für Technische Informatik. The border between the two regimes coincides with an important dichotomy in universal algebra. In particular, we show that the well-known classical duality between hitting sets of minimal inconsistent subsets and maximal consistent subsets generalizes to arbitrary logics even if we allow adding novel information to a given knowledge base.
Friday, 3rd - 5th DS, APB E065 (individual appointments for evaluation). Questions arising in other areas of mathematics are sometimes dealt with by appealing to the field set theory. Feb 11, 2020. In the latter, automata on infinite words are the technical ingredient that leads to model completeness. After an introduction on recent results about word transductions, in particular about logics and automata for word transductions and their connections, the talk introduces a new logic to specify properties of word transductions. National Research University Higher School of Economics, Temporal Stream-based Specification Language (TeSSLa), Decidability of the HOM Problem in Suitable Weighted Settings, Temporal constraint satisfaction problems in least fixed point logic, Category and Complexity of Spaces in Operator Theory, From Theorem Proving to Cognitive Reasoning, Farkas certificates and witnessing subsystems for probabilistic reachability constraints, Geometric complexity theory and fast matrix multiplication. Using prior knowledge on what mistakes OCR typically makes, how new words are formed grammatically, and which words are likely to appear next to each other,a post-correction system can be modelled as the composition of single transducers representing input character hypotheses, error model, lexicon, and word-level language model, each weighted with probabilities. A well-known fact underlying Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) is that every lattice is determined, up to isomorphism, by the ordered set of its meet (infimum) and join (supremum) irreducible elements. There are four exercises comprising theoretical and practical assignments. A semantics for the modal logic S4 without possible worlds serves as motivation.
This talk is based on joint work with Shaull Almagor, Dmitry Chistikov, Ehud Hrushovski, Amaury Pouly, and Joël Ouaknine. 17.12.19 Lighting continued 29.10.19 Halfedge Data Structure (slidesupdated 29.10.19)
(a) in written form on A4 paper by 16:00 to chair staff - we recommend handing in solutions on physical paper at the end of the previous lecture.
10.12.19 Lighting (slides) Our starting point is a classical algorithm of Michael Karr for discovering affine invariants. (b) In digital form as a PDF document via Email to Benjamin Russig by 16:00. The VCSP captures both Max CSP-type problems, where one wants to optimise the number of satisfied constraints and integer programming-type problems, where one adds an objective function to an ordinary CSP to indicate the desirability of each assignment.As the VCSP is hard in general, any meaningful study of its complexity requires restricting the problem in some way. Please arrange an appointment according to the oral exam registration rules. We will prove that, surprisingly, adding just the simple percentage constraints already make the logic undecidable. The simplest instance of this resemblance is the fact that classical propositional logic essentially boils down to studying algebras over the two-element field.
The AGM framework The basis for most belief revision approaches (or systems) is the well-known AGM frame work The AGM framework: • developed by Carlos Alchourrón, Peter Gärdenfors and David Makinson in the early eighties. Time & Place: Friday, 09:20, APB E023 (Briefing + Debriefing, see below) Tutors: Jannik Presberger 22.10.19 Polygonal Meshes (slidesupdated 29.10.19) The idea is to reduce the question of whether a system satisfies a property, which is given as an LTL-formula, to the emptiness check of an automaton. More precisely, we consider the so-called sliding window word problem for a language L: Given a data stream of symbols a1 a2 a3 a4 ..., answer at every time instant t, whether at-n+1 ... at belongs to L. We are mainly interested in the space complexity of this problem measured in the window length n. For regular languages, we prove that the space complexity of the sliding window word problem is either constant, logarithmic, or linear.
Dualization of a monotone Boolean function can be defined as transformation of the set of minimal 1 values to the set of its maximal 0 values or vice versa. TU Dresden TU Dresden.
In this talk we consider inconsistency in non-monotonic logics while taking this issue into account. Adding Quantitative Taste to FO2 on Words. The logic we employ for our weighted extension is based on the weighted MSO logic introduced by Droste and Gastin to obtain a Büchi-type result for weighted automata. We show that a Farkas certificate with K non-zero entries can be translated into a witnessing subsystem with K states, and vice versa. (Joint work with Martin Grohe and Gaurav Rattan). The Valued Constraint Satisfaction Problem, From Linear Temporal Logic to Unambiguous Büchi Automata, Finite Sequentiality of Unambiguous Max-Plus Tree Automata, Weighted Finite-State Transducers for OCR Post-Correction, A Feferman-Vaught Decomposition Theorem for Weighted MSO Logic.
There are various known characterizations, using counting logics, using the Sherali-Adams hierarchy in linear programming, and using pebble games.
The constructed tableau systems are shown to be sound and complete. In the main body of the talk we describe two recent procedures to compute the strongest algebraic invariant of an affine program and to synthesise semi-algebraic invariants for proving non-termination of linear loops .
Tuesday, 11:10am (3rd DS) in APB E023