Side rails are removable to create a flatbed to transport vehicles and can load horizon, tal water tanks which can be fitted to the already existing water bowser connector for spraying water during r, NEW 600 to 2500Lt Water Bowser / Firefighter Trailers, We have a wide range of affordable water bowser Used water bowser for sale in South Africa. Water Bowser
Keyboard player . mobile:{
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Call us today to view our tanks ! Drinking water or construction.690 000 kmsEx-fleet vehicle.Service history with Company*WE EXPORT AT ZERO VAT*We also buy stockFor more deals on trucks, trailers and plan, t call ZA Trucks and Trailers Sales (PTY) Ltd: CALL Christo, Kalla or Allan ON 0600581865Visit our website: w. Power Star 2628 Water Bowser - For Sale The Datasheet is supplied in PDF format. We're open Mon - Fri 8:30am - 5:30pm. For Sale. You simply fill the Bowser and leave it in the desired location. We supply Highways & Site Water Bowsers, Pressure Washer Bowsers, Plant Watering Bowsers, Dust Suppression Bowsers & Static Bowsers. The cheapest offer starts at R 4 000. $(function(){ var title = jQuery(this).children("img").attr("title");
We h, ave the right trailer wheel: false,
A larger Bowser is available for cows and horses. Ready to work!! The tanks are held securely in place by a stainless steel strap and fitted with plastic mudguards and mounted to a galvanised chassis unit. Price is more than 30% below the estimated market price for similarly classed vehicles. Search for used water bowsers.
Enter your email address to receive alerts when we have new listings available for Used water bowser for sale in South Africa. Rollers Isuzu FHY33-360 Water Tanker For Sale. By Submitting this you agree to the Terms and Conditions. Have 5 seconds to help us improve the results. Medium & Heavy Commercials in South Africa (Keyword: "water bowser"), Medium & Heavy Commercials in South Africa, 2012 MERCEDES BENZ AXOR 3335 WATER BOWSER, 2012 MERCEDES BENZ AXOR 3335 WATER BOWSER R650 000 + VATBRAND NEW TANKS and PTO system - 16000 litre tank - dual usage. }); }
These units are manufactured from 3mm steel with flat ends and internal anti-surge baffles, and are hot-dip galvanised to ensure clean water at all times. Our Bowsers can come in a variety of Chassis, ranging from Highway Bowsers - if the bowser is to be used on the road, Site Bowsers - when water is required on a domestic or commercial work site and Plant watering Bowsers, for irrigation, used by Councils and gardeners. Bowser / F, ire Fighter from R7 990 if(caption && title){jQuery(this).attr("title",title+" " + caption)}else if(title){ jQuery(this).attr("title",title);}else if(caption){jQuery(this).attr("title",caption);}
Our trailers are complete with papers (road Bartletts A H, Boksburg 5 days ago. Graders Units Available If you're not quite ready for a quote yet or wish to speak to us in detail about our products and services feel free to contact us via our contact form or any of the methods listed below. Ex-fleet vehicle. Stay updated about Used water bowser for sale in South Africa. Water Bowser. var caption = jQuery(this).next("figcaption").html();
herbicide/pesticide/termite spraying we have the right trailer unit for you. Used water bowser for sale in South Africa, Used tipper trucks for sale in South Africa, Used Iveco daily for sale in South Africa, Used 8 ton trucks for sale in South Africa, Used Hino trucks for sale in South Africa, Used Mitsubishi canter for sale in South Africa, Water tanker trucks for sale in South Africa. clickSlide: "close",
You will be notified once a match becomes available. The mini Bowser is fitted... We have a new product available which is ideal for use with Cattle and other livestock. Fitted with a 400mm man lid with filler and vent, and a rear tap, these units are gloss painted in your colours to compliment your fleet. Ideal for entrepreneurs starting their own Ready to work!! Very good condition!! jQuery.fn.getTitle = function() { // Copy the title of every IMG tag and add it to its parent A so that fancybox can show titles
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} Units include: * SPRING SPECIAL - CALL OUR SALES TEAM TODAY FOR THIS OFFER * Incorporating an internal anti-surge baffle and manufactured from a Water Council Approved material, these units are ideal for towing and can lend themselves to many uses where water is required. * EXCELLENT CONDITION To be the first to know of new listings, please enter your email below. [^/]*)*$/i.test(jQuery(this).attr('href'))
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Lightweight and durable, this tank has proved a huge success.
* 600Lt Horizontal tank - 186 Bar Pressure Washer bakkie from R14 900 Our trailers are complete, NEW 1000- 2500Lt 186 Bar Mobile Pressure Washer Unit, Flowbins Pty Ltd:
NEW PTO system Fully rebuilt!! 100% working kondition. clickContent: false,
Uses / Advantages: NEW 1000L Rain Havest Unit /Water Saver Unit /Swimming Pool Backflush, Flow Bins SA Pty Ltd (Pretoria): afterLoad : function( instance, current ) {current.$content.append('
' + current.opts.caption + '
* 1000Lt Horizontal tank - 186 Bar Pressure Washer Bakkie Expect the best, prepare for it.Strong and reliable, guarantee with longevity and heavy duty.Man 16000 liters water bowser at a transferable cost price.For... We have a wide range of affordable high-pressure washer trailer units ranging from 600lt to 2500lt. unit from R. 18 542 * MECHANICALLY SOUND clickContent: function(current, event) {
.cycle({ Brought to you by: All tanks and pumps come with one year warranty ! The galvanised bowsers area available in either a 1100 Litre or 2200 Litre, site or highway model, although we can manufacture any size steel tank to suit your specifications. titlePosition: "inside",
Water bowser for sale Western 1100 ltr Water Bowser Tank, Diesel Pressure Washer: 800 £ | Water Bowser 1000 Litre: 281 £ | Water Bowser Tanker Water Tank Drai| background: none !important; Bunded Fuel / Waste Oil Bowser Tanker Trailer Fully Braked / Road Lights Etc - Woodbridge, Suffolk Bunded Fuel/Waste Oil Etc Bowser Tanker Trailer, 1500Kg Gross Weight, Vin Plate Intact, Fully Braked, 900 Litre Tank, 50Mm Ball Hitch (2 Keys), H/Duty Jockey Wheel, Road Lights Etc, 13In Road Wheels, No duty to repair for sale in Krugersdorp Gauteng, Used Mercedes Benz 1214 7000Lt water tank with pump and spraybar. Dozers
return current.type === "image" ? You've just been sent an email that contains a confirmation link. * 1000Lt Flowbin Football teams looking for players. New 600 to 2500lt water bowser / firefighter trailers . You will start receiving your vehicle as soon as you activate the via the link in the email. toolbar: true,
Ref: CM139
100% working kondition. Login / Register. pager: '#nav' We have stored your information for your convenience. Transportable Water Bowsers. Wanted. Home / Global Products / Water Bowsers; POLY HIGHWAY. thumbnails.addClass("fancyboxforwp").attr("data-fancybox","gallery").getTitle();
timeout: 5000, 2012 MERCEDES BENZ AXOR 3335 WATER BOWSER Special Offers. transport, dust suppression and fence line spray.
For Sales & Advice: 01777 858009. 3-5 working days. 083 266 0635, Bell B20D Water Bowser 2006
*WE EXPORT AT ZERO VAT* animationDuration: 500,
return current.type === "image" ?
Read more about our use of personal information on our, Sluit aan om ons gratis nuusbrief te ontvang, Axor 2628 6x4 Rigid Chassis Cab fitted with New 16, Actros 3332 6x4 Rigid NEW 16,000L Water Tanker, 1617 7000L Water Tank with pump and spraybar, 1214 7000L Water Tank with pump and spraybar. vertical-align: -0.1em !important; div.fancybox-caption p.caption-title{font-size:14px}
R 385,000 2004 MAN 15:244 - 10 000 Litres Water Tanker For Sale.
Truck & Trailer is the online marketplace for Water bowser trucks for sale in South Africa .
// Add data-type iframe for links that are not images or videos. Like new!! "toggleControls" : false;
Explore 34 listings for Used water bowser for sale in South Africa at best prices. 1 - 24 of 31 ads. window._wpemojiSettings = {"baseUrl":"https:\/\/\/images\/core\/emoji\/11\/72x72\/","ext":".png","svgUrl":"https:\/\/\/images\/core\/emoji\/11\/svg\/","svgExt":".svg","source":{"concatemoji":"https:\/\/\/wp-includes\/js\/wp-emoji-release.min.js?ver=5.0.10"}}; Price ex vat
Bartletts A H, Boksburg 5 days ago. About Ananzi Ads ∙ Safe Shopping Guide ∙ Your ads here ∙ Privacy Policy ∙ Contact Us. * Bloemfontein branch: [email protected] overlayShow: true,
We also buy stock 18000L Water Tank
You will start receiving your vehicle as soon as you activate the via the link in the email. // Supported file extensions
No duty to repair for sale in Krugersdorp Gauteng, * BRAND NEW 16 000L TANK
Price is within 10% of the estimated market price for similarly classed vehicles. * Installed, Electrical cord & 3pin plug / firefighter trailer units ranging from 600lt to 2500lt. It performs many tasks, it comes with side rails that allow to transport different goods and livestock. Static and towable water bowsers have a range of applications: from road maintenance works to construction projects and as temporary water supply during building refurbishments. We manufacture BRAND NEW water tanks / water bowser tanks for your trucks , any size from 8000- 18000 liters . Football. box-shadow: none !important; We have a wide range of affordable water bowser / firefighter trailer units ranging from 600lt to 2500lt.With this multipurpose suction, pumping, mixing and circulation unit you can use it for firefighting, pre fire control, water transport, dust suppression and fence line spray. Water Rain Capture Unit / Water Transport Unit / Rain Harvest unit Make use of our Request a Truck feature to specify exactly what it is that you want. preventCaptionOverlap: true,
All the products in this range consist of two shells manufactured from 3mm mild steel to provide you with total peace of mind. May 31st, 2017 Mini Bowser Pressure Washer, Posted in News, Uncategorized | No Comments », March 1st, 2016 500 Litre Cattle Feeder Bowser. * Pretoria branch: [email protected] arrows: true,
Price is between 10% and 30% below the estimated market price for similarly classed vehicles. Once you submit your number to the dealer, they will be notified to call you back as soon as possible.