However, Yanmega's lack of power and mediocre STAB combination means that it often falls short in practice. Blessed with two great abilities in Speed Boost and Tinted Lens, Yanmega initially seems like a great choice for either a special wallbreaker or a cleaner. View strategies and more for Yanmega on the Smogon Strategy Pokedex. These weaknesses, coupled with Yanmega's not-so-stellar defenses, have sealed the dragonfly's fate and unfortunately banished him to the bottom of OU. Yanmega's Life Orb-boosted attacks OHKO a huge number of Pokemon in VGC 2012. However, Yanmega's lack of power and mediocre … Yanmega is a rather overlooked Pokemon in OU due to its crippling 4x weakness to Stealth Rock. Speed Boost and Detect work very well together on this set, as not only does Detect prevent Fake Out, it also allows Yanmega to grab a Speed boost and initiate a sweep. Yanmega has an excellent Special Attack stat, very respectable Speed, and two of the most powerful abilities in the game at his disposal. Blessed with two great abilities in Speed Boost and Tinted Lens, Yanmega initially seems like a great choice for either a special wallbreaker or a cleaner. Yanmega suffers from an utterly crippling 4x weakness to Stealth Rock that has completely nullified his presence as a standard of the metagame. With Tinted Lens, Yanmega is capable of 2HKOing even dedicated walls who resist his STAB attacks, an impressive feat. Seine starken Flügel, sein Jagdverhalten und seine Geschwindigkeit lassen sich an vielen Stellen in seinem Attackenrepertoire wiederfinden. Erstere äußern sich in Attacken wie Luftschnitt, Flügelschlag, … However, it has access to two of the best abilities in the game: Speed Boost and Tinted Lens, each of which is worth its own set. Bug Buzz and Air Slash are Yanmega's main STAB attacks; they provide decent coverage, with the latter also packing a useful flinch rate. Yanmegas Stärken liegen in seiner Geschwindigkeit und seinem Spezial-Angriff, es ist jedoch recht fragil. Weaknesses to common Fire-, Ice-, and Electric-type attacks aren't helping Yanmega's position either.