Option arguments can later be looked up in the $opt_args associative array using the option as a key. Simply create a writable directory inside of your home directory (eg. All gists Back to GitHub. Issues are very welcome as I primarily use zsh and therefor won't catch that many bugs through daily usage. zsh plugin that lets you use zsh in nix-shell shell. If you have installes zsh using nix the plugins directory is readonly since it's inside of the nix store. I use Antibody to manage my plugins. 继续上篇介绍我的终端环境。这篇介绍zsh和z,其实这不局限于os x,在所有的*nix系统中都是可用的。, zsh作为bash的替代品,自然很多人要问:why zsh? 在Zsh Workshop 有个长长的功能列表,用来回答这个问题。这里讲下我选择zsh的原因,当然,也是介绍zsh强大的功能。, 以上都是我感觉迁移到zsh之后非常实用的功能。要想从头开始了解和学习zsh,可以访问A User’s Guide to the Z-Shell。不过大家都很忙,从头开始自己学习和配置会很累。所以现在说到zsh,不得不提的就是oh-my-zsh,oh-my-zsh是一个开源的zsh配置管理框架,提供了大量实用的功能,主题等。现在基本都是标配了吧。如图是我在用的默认zsh主题robbyrussell,如图, 可以发它能自动显示当前所在的git分支以及当前本地状态(黄色的小叉表示本地有更新未提交)。, 最后记得将~/.bash_prorile或者~/.profile等配置拷贝到~/.zshrc中。, 可以选择自己喜欢的主题。只需要修改~/.zshrc文件中的ZSH_THEME即可。, z和autojump的功能类似,前者是简单的shell脚本实现,后者由python实现,功能都是可以方便自动匹配到你最多使用的目录并跳转。我在用的是z,如图,我在根目录输入z github可以自动跳转到我常用的notice501.github.com这个目录,也就是本博客的工程目录。超级方便的工具。autojump用法类似,命令为j而不是z两者的安装方式:, 命令选项补全。有多少人依然记不住tar的命令选项?中枪的去抄20遍……在zsh中只需要键入, 更智能的历史命令。在用或者`方向上键`查找历史命令时,zsh支持限制查找。比如,输入`ls `然后再按方向上键,则只会查找用过的ls命令。而此时使用``则会仍然按之前的方式查找,忽略`ls`。, 多个终端会话共享历史记录。经常有多个窗口,tab,tmux的多个session,panel。这些命令历史不能共享实在是很糟糕的回忆。但是有了zsh之后,这些确实成了回忆了,所有的命令历史都可以共享。. Zsh git fetch merge - Runs git fetch upstream & git merge upstream/master. If nothing happens, download the GitHub extension for Visual Studio and try again. It's recommended to use this in conjunction with nix-zsh-completions.. A brief description of the _parse syntax follows, for anyone interested in reading the code, or using _parse for other completion scripts. If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again. Zsh Async - Because your terminal should be able to perform tasks asynchronously without external tools. If nothing happens, download Xcode and try again. Actions starting with a * will handle all further arguments. - Sync git repositories and clean them up. Open PR - Open pull requests from command line. It's heavily inspired by it, but focuses on minimalizing time of execution. 这也是为什么目前很多*nix系统使用bash作为默认shell的原因之一。, 从一个交互式终端的角度来讲,zsh更为强大,但是作为脚本解释器,bash更加符合posix标准,因此,建议读者日常使用zsh(配合oh-my-zsh),但是使用bash做脚本解释器。. This ensures that they are reproducible and don't have undeclared dependencies, so if a package works on one machine, it will also work on another.. Declarative. The spec looks like this at the moment ([] denotes optional syntax): Argument specs tell _parse how to handle normal arguments (arguments not required by options). Go Bullet Train (GBT) - Highly configurable prompt builder for Bash, ZSH and PowerShell written in Go. Zsh autosuggestions - Fish-like autosuggestions for Zsh. Then add nix-zsh-completions to the plugins list in ~/.zshrc. These actions are specified in the exact same way as the argument spec. Commands run with --run or --command argument are executed in nix-shells default shell. -f. Syntax like -some-option is not supported. If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again. The first argument will be handled by the first :action passed to _parse, the second by the second argument spec passed, and so on. zsh作为bash的替代品,自然很多人要问:why zsh? 在Zsh Workshop 有个长长的功能列表,用来回答这个问题。 这里讲下我选择zsh的原因,当然,也是介绍zsh强大的功能。 - Fish shell like syntax highlighting for Zsh. If you aren't getting file completion on an option or argument which support it when starting off with ./, ~/ or / please report it in an issue and it should be fixed promptly. --option, and stackable short options, eg. The aim is full completion support for every argument, option and option argument, as long as everything that's needed is available locally.
Roadrunner - Fast and configurable prompt for shells. Quick installation available for Bash, Fish, ZSH, Ion, and PowerShell. Zsh & Bash. download the GitHub extension for Visual Studio. Then add nix-shell to the plugins list in ~/.zshrc. On MacOS you have to have a bash with version 4 or greater. Adding this to your .bashrc should work in general: In addition to setting up bash-completion and installing nix-bash-completions through nix-env, you'll need a newer version of Bash (version 4 or greater) as Apple refuses to ship GPL v3 licensed software. Motivation. Star 0 Fork 1 Code Revisions 15 Forks 1. Shell hooks are supported in general. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. - Jump back to a specific directory, without doing. If we want an option to be repeatable we add the * prefix to the option. download the GitHub extension for Visual Studio, Apple refuses to ship GPL v3 licensed software. If the one of your choice is not supported feel free to open an issue or even better create a pull request. It would be nice to know what derivations are included in the current environment for example to display them in the shells prompt. I have installed zsh through configuration.nix and would preferably also set the default shell from there somehow. For instance nix eval
If you want to use oh-my-zsh for all users, you can use something like this in your configuration.nix: Unfortunatly nix assumes that the NIX_BUILD_SHELL is a bash variant and passes bash specific arguments to the shell. Clone this repository into your plugins directory. GitHub is home to over 50 million developers working together to host and review code, manage projects, and build software together.
ZSH Completions for Nix and NixOS. Shows the information you need, while staying sleek and minimal. Nix makes it trivial to share development and build environments for your projects, regardless of what programming languages and tools you’re using. Ports - Easily see what's happening on your computer's ports. A One Minute Introduction to Bash, Zsh, and fish Bash. For more advanced scripting, you can turn to Perl or Python. Adding actions to an option spec tells _parse that the option takes arguments. Zsh can be thought of as an extended Bourne shell with a large number of improvements, including some features of bash, ksh, and tcsh. Below is a list of plugins I use. If you want your prompt to be prefixed by [nix-shell] when you're in a nix-shell add this to your zshrc: Clone this repository and add the following to ~/.zshrc with the path to Then you can install nix-bash-completions from the cloned git repo with nix-env -i -f default.nix, or from nixpkgs eg. Attribute paths look like this nixos.mplayer or nixos.gnome.gedit, where nixos is a collection of all packages. Fast Syntax Highlighting - Fine granularity, number of features, 40 work hours themes. Reproducible. You still need to source them somehow. Some arguments support several types of input, but due to bash's limited completion system only exposes one type at a time. Bd - Jump back to a specific directory, without doing cd ../../... Zsh completions - Additional completion definitions for Zsh.
- Because your terminal should be able to perform tasks asynchronously without external tools. - Cross-shell customizable powerline-like prompt with icons. - Highly configurable prompt builder for Bash, ZSH and PowerShell written in Go. This project aims to provide a highly complete set of ZSH completions for Nix, For instance when accessing a nixpkgs repo through an url, and it has been previously downloaded, completion should be offered using the local copy.
Any behavior which doesn't agree with the actual execution of the command is considered a bug. The information that nix-shell exposes to the environment is also pretty sparse. Work fast with our official CLI. -p
Add this repository to the plugins list of your configurations: It should be possible to install this plugin through most zsh plugin managers. Enhancd - Next-generation cd command with an interactive filter. Zsh history substring search - ZSH port of Fish history search. chsh -s $(which zsh) doesn't work as zsh is not in /etc/shells. Setting programs.zsh.enable = true in /etc/nixos/configuration.nix will automatically install and enable nix-zsh-compeletions. Shows the information you need, while staying sleek and minimal. In theory all you need to do to use zsh in nix-shell is to set NIX_BUILD_SHELL to zsh. Use Git or checkout with SVN using the web URL. Zsh Async - Because your terminal should be able to perform tasks asynchronously without external tools. - Minimal, blazing fast, and extremely customizable prompt for any shell. The aim is full completion support for every argument, option and option argument, as long as everything that's needed is available locally. Things like nix-shell -I nixpkgs=. to access the packages available in nixos. Its core syntax is cleaner but incompatible with Bourne.
It's recommended to use this in conjunction with nix-zsh-completions.